Mar 31, 2009 — The Savage/Stevens date code is a very small oval, usually on the ... The gun I have is a Stevens 311, series H, 410 gauge, with a serial number that begins wiht the letter D. It is in aobut ... Location: peoples socialist republic ...
Savage shotgun serial number location
TYPE CALIBER Shot SERIAL NUMBER. STORED. Romarm Sa/Cugir- ... C786124M. 20-L-1304. Savage-SAV. 887 ... 22. B1382394. 20-L-1290. Savage-SAV.. I can't find the serial number on the following two shotguns: 1) Savage Arms Corp, ... 410 guage, 3" chamber, pump 2) Savage Arms Corp, Stevens 940A, 410 guage, 3" chamber, single shot. Can anyone tell me where the SN's are located? 939c2ea5af
savage shotgun serial number location, savage arms serial number location